Individual Coaching:

One-on-one guidance for women to up-level their career, set and reach goals, integrate work and personal life, strengthen their leadership skills, reduce overwhelm, and build their confidence.

Coaching unlocks self-efficacy, resilience, and confidence which in turn enables women to become more fully engaged in their career, have more energy for their team, and greater focus and clarity on their goals and how to reach them.

Coaching strengthens leadership, communication, and problem-solving skills which all positively enhance the bottom line for an organization.

Personalized Coaching Details:

  • 12 weeks – weekly 1-hour sessions (in person or virtual)

  • Facilitated conversations with weekly goals and outcomes.

  • Immediate resolution of challenges and problems as they occur from week to week.

  • Sessions are personalized for the individual, and may include the following outcomes:

    • Successful transition to a promotion (e.g. new leadership position).

    • Strategies for leading difficult conversations and navigating challenging teams/employees or situations.

    • Strategies for reducing overwhelm (both individually or for team).

    • Identification of clear goals for work, career and personal, as well as strategies for achieving them.

    • Accountability.

    • Creation of healthy habits, boundaries and structures to support goals.

    • Framework for work/life integration.

    • Connection of personal values to career/role.

    • Techniques for building confidence and engagement.

    • Improved productivity and career satisfaction.

  • Investment: $2,000 per person