Reset Your Year

Reset Your Year

It’s not too late to reset your year!

If you feel like the year is passing you by, it's not too late to reset and create an amazing next six months!

In this FREE workshop you will:

  • Reconnect with your intuition to move you forward

  • Realign where & how you’re spending your energy

  • Refocus on yourself & your priorities

  • Re-energize your mind & heart

  • Reset your intentions & goals

Plus, as a BONUS, all attendees will receive a FREE 20-minute accountability session.

Register for this free workshop and RESET the rest of your year!

P.S. It's amazing what can be done in a one hour workshop. You're worth it and your future self will thank you!

P.P.S. Remember, you deserve a life you love. 💛

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Moving Through Divorce - free in-person women’s gathering
to Jul. 28

Moving Through Divorce - free in-person women’s gathering

Moving Through Divorce

Whether you’re just at the beginning of a separation or years into a divorce, you need connection and community. This FREE event is designed for you, no matter what stage of the process you are in. Join us to share in a safe space, care for yourself, and heal. ♥️

You will leave with tools and strategies to support your journey, new friends, and a wealth of community resources. ✨

A 6-week support group will follow, starting in the fall!

Registration is mandatory! Please visit to RSVP.

We look forward to seeing you soon! 💕

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Spark Your Magic! Online Women’s Gathering

Spark Your Magic! Online Women’s Gathering

Reconnect with your intuition to manifest your intentions and goals.

Join like-hearted women in personal reflection and shared wisdom to create more control, confidence, and success.

Women have gathered together for centuries to connect, share advice and wisdom, and to support one another. Let's continue this tradition of surrounding ourselves with community, gathering strength and courage through the sharing of stories, both giving and receiving inspiration and encouragement.

You will:

  • Make new friends

  • Reconnect with yourself/your intuition

  • Celebrate your accomplishments

  • Reset for the month ahead

  • Get motivation, inspiration & accountability (along with a touch of magic) to create your best life!

What to expect:

  • Guided meditation to get grounded and centered

  • Journaling and inner reflection

  • Group discussion

What to bring:

  • Come as you are! Wear comfy clothes, bring a tea (or wine), your journal & pen

Spark your magic to achieve all that you want in your life.

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Rest, Reset & Renew - a deep healing experience for women going through divorce

Rest, Reset & Renew - a deep healing experience for women going through divorce

Breathe - Reflect - Connect

Whether you’re newly separated, have been divorced for years, or anywhere in between, this is a nurturing, compassionate, and understanding space for you to breathe, reflect, and connect with your inner wisdom.

What to expect:

  • in-person event (in Calgary)

  • grounding meditation

  • guided journaling for deep inner reflection

  • creating intentions to get you moving towards your dreams/goals

  • meaningful conversations with other women

  • Yoga Nidra session for calming your nervous system and integrating your reflections

Space is limited so register today.

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Create Your Best Chapter - with Mallory Underwood

Create Your Best Chapter - with Mallory Underwood

Listen to inspiring conversations that will help you create your best chapter after divorce or job loss.


Join me and Mallory Underwood to chat about the experience of being an entrepreneur, living your values, and how to create more time and space in your life.

Mallory is co-founder of Business Unbound and co-host of the Unbound Turnarounds podcast. Throughout her time supporting entrepreneurs, Mallory has worked with more than 50 brands and supported them with every aspect of business operations. She is a top-notch executor making CEO’s visions come to life while providing human-first partnership, consultation, and strategy followed by reliable, expert implementation.

Connect with Mallory on LinkedIn and learn more about her work with women entrepreneurs on her website.

Listen to our conversation live on YouTube or LinkedIn - Monday, June 24 at 1:00pm MT.

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Summer Solstice Fireside Gathering

Summer Solstice Fireside Gathering

Connect with other women and with your inner self to start the summer season feeling inspired and energized.

Women have gathered in circle for centuries to connect, share advice and wisdom, and to support one another. Let's continue this tradition of surrounding ourselves with community, gathering strength and courage through the sharing of stories, both giving and receiving inspiration and encouragement.

The Summer Solstice is a time when nature is at its most alive and energetic, which makes it the ideal time to connect with your inner wisdom, let go of what is holding you back, and tap into your creative energy to bring into existence what you want in your life.

You'll have the opportunity to:

  • Make new friends

  • Reconnect with yourself

  • Celebrate the start of summer

  • Reset for the second half of the year

Open up to the magic of the Summer Solstice to create your next (and best) chapter. 🔥

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Create Your Best Chapter - with Marni Saifert

Create Your Best Chapter - with Marni Saifert

Listen to inspiring conversations that will help you create your best chapter after divorce or job loss.


Join me and Marni Saifert to talk about a topic that is challenging for many of us - money.

Marni is a Certified Financial Planner with three designations – CFP, FMA, and RRC – and she’s been in the field for over 30 years. Throughout her career, Marni has been passionate about not only teaching the mechanics of money but also delving into the deeper aspects of people's "money story" – the thoughts, beliefs, and values that shape their financial results.

Connect with Marni on Instagram @moneymentormarni.

Listen to our conversation live on YouTube or LinkedIn - Wednesday, June 19 at 10:00am MT.

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Create Your Best Chapter - with Dr. Rose Joudi

Create Your Best Chapter - with Dr. Rose Joudi

Listen to inspiring conversations that will help you create your best chapter after divorce or job loss.


Join me and Dr. Rose Joudi, a Certified Consultant on Aging, a Researcher, Academic and a Consultant on Senior Living, who has a sincere passion for finding ways to support and enhance the lives of older adults. We’ll be chatting about ageism, how to support your aging parents, and strategies on fostering vitality and energy as you age.

Connect with Dr. Joudi on LinkedIn and learn more about her work on her website.

Listen to our conversation live on YouTube or LinkedIn - Tuesday, June 11 at 10:30am MT.

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Create Your Best Chapter - with Rosie Burrows

Create Your Best Chapter - with Rosie Burrows

Listen to inspiring conversations that will help you create your best chapter after divorce or job loss.


Join me and Rosie Burrows, an amazing woman I met on LinkedIn who is currently travelling Australia in a converted van with her dog Tilly. We’ll be discussing how to trust yourself, living your values, taking leaps of faith, and the elements of a joy-filled purposeful life. I’m really excited for this conversation!

Rosie is an Aussie status quo breaker, educator and coach. She is passionate about helping women build the lifestyle they want through purpose-driven business. Rosie lives full-time in her converted van with her red dog Tilly and is currently travelling Australia whilst running her business on the road.

Connect with Rosie on LinkedIn and learn more about her work on her website.

Listen to our conversation live on YouTube or LinkedIn - Friday, May 31 at 6:00pm MT.

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Create Your Best Chapter - with Christy Kern

Create Your Best Chapter - with Christy Kern

Listen to inspiring conversations that will help you create your best chapter after divorce or job loss.


Join me and Christy Kern as we have a conversation about how to connect with your purpose, the power of gratitude, and creating leadership in your life.

Christy has had the privilege of traveling the world and working with hundreds of businesses and nonprofit organizations. She’s coached leaders, led workshops, and facilitated training sessions that help people find clarity, determine what they are for, anchor their work in value, and ultimately become better communicators.

Connect with Christy on LinkedIn and learn more about her work on her website.

Listen to our conversation live on YouTube or LinkedIn - Wednesday, May 22 at 12 noon MT.

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Create Your Best Chapter - with Maura Shaftoe

Create Your Best Chapter - with Maura Shaftoe

Listen to inspiring conversations that will help you create your best chapter after divorce or job loss.


Join me as my friend Maura Shaftoe and I share ideas on how to move into abundance energy by taking aligned actions.

Maura owns a coaching practice based around Behavioural cash flow. Discovering Behavioural finance, or rather the emotional way that we make decisions about money, was the impetus Maura was looking for to start helping people in a real way when it comes to managing their money and managing themselves around money. She provides personalized support and coaching around cash flow planning, debt management strategies, and specialized support for business owners and entrepreneurs where often personal and business finances are intertwined. Her dream is to help as many people build financial resiliency as she can.

Connect with Maura on LinkedIn and learn more on her website.

Listen to our conversation live on YouTube or LinkedIn - Tuesday, May 14 at 10:00 am MT.

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Create Your Best Chapter - with Neepa Padia

Create Your Best Chapter - with Neepa Padia

Listen to inspiring conversations that will help you create your best chapter after divorce or job loss.


Join me as I have a conversation with Neepa Padia, a Certified Divorce Coach who draws from her challenging divorce journey and professional training to help women and immigrants navigate the steps toward a brighter future. Her experiences have shaped her into a compassionate and nonjudgmental coach, offering support at each step to ensure her clients they are not alone.

Learn more about Neepa on her website (

Listen to our conversation live on YouTube or LinkedIn - Tuesday, May 7 at 10:00 am MT.

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3 Ways to KICKSTART Your Best Chapter - FREE Workshop

3 Ways to KICKSTART Your Best Chapter - FREE Workshop

Are you ready to take back your life and create your next (and best!) chapter?

If you've gone through a major life change recently, such as a divorce or job loss, and you’re feeling anxiety about what's next, doubt about your abilities, or stuck in procrastination, then this interactive workshop is for you.

Changes are hard and can bring up feelings of unworthiness, resentment, self-doubt, and uncertainty. It’s possible to move forward with energy and in alignment with what’s most important to you.

Make a decision to create your next – and best – chapter with intention.

In this workshop you will:

  • Learn how to release negative emotions that are holding you back

  • Get tools to boost your confidence

  • Create a personalized action plan

  • Connect with like-minded women

  • KICKSTART your next - and best! - chapter

Plus, as a BONUS, all attendees will receive a FREE 20-minute accountability session.

Register for this free workshop and KICKSTART your best chapter yet!

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Create Your Best Chapter - with Anumita Ghosh

Create Your Best Chapter - with Anumita Ghosh

Listen to inspiring conversations that will help you create your best chapter after divorce or job loss.


Join me as I have a conversation with Anumita Ghosh, a woman I met on LinkedIn after seeing her post about her 500th day looking for work. I just knew I needed to have a conversation with her about her resilience and tenacity. Anumita recently moved to Canada from the US and since then has been actively seeking a strategic marketing role. I’m looking forward to this conversation because there are so many job seekers in similar situations and I know that they will benefit from knowing they are not alone on this journey.

Anumita has nine years of experience in utilizing innovative marketing strategies to drive brand awareness, increase online visibility, and generate leads in advertising agencies and marketing. She’s orchestrated end-to-end campaign delivery and successfully launched new products in an agile environment within dynamic markets.

Learn more and connect with Anumita on LinkedIn.

Listen to our conversation live on YouTube or LinkedIn - Tuesday, April 30 at 12:00 pm MT.

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Create Your Best Chapter - with Kathleen Kellner

Create Your Best Chapter - with Kathleen Kellner

Listen to inspiring conversations that will help you create your best chapter after divorce or job loss.


Join me as I have a conversation with Kathleen Kellner, an End-of-Life Doula and Funeral Celebrant. Through her evolving role in end-of-life services, Kathleen has recognized the urgent need to reshape societal perceptions of dying and death. By fostering open and vital conversations, Kathleen is committed to driving positive change in this essential discourse. Learn more at Kathleen’s website,

Listen live on YouTube or LinkedIn - Monday, April 22 at 1:00 pm MT.

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Create Your Best Chapter - with Ilana Cohen

Create Your Best Chapter - with Ilana Cohen

Listen to inspiring conversations that will help you create your best chapter after divorce or job loss.


Join me as I have a conversation with Ilana Cohen, a lifelong serial entrepreneur, CEO, decorated athlete, corporate lawyer (not family lawyer), and mother of two. For more than 15 years, Ilana has been empowering her clients from a place of experience and first-hand wisdom, as she herself has triumphed over a lengthy divorce battle with an abusive partner — an experience she references for insight, but has never let define her. Learn more at Ilana’s website,

Listen live on YouTube or LinkedIn - Tuesday, April 16 at 9:00 am MT.

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Create Your Best Chapter - with Steph Gillies

Create Your Best Chapter - with Steph Gillies

Listen to inspiring conversations that will help you create your best chapter after divorce or job loss.


Join me as I chat with Steph Gillies, a Career Story Coach focused on helping people gain the confidence they need to land a career they love. Having had 32 jobs in 15 years, Steph became really good at applying for and finding jobs. After being laid off from her non-profit job in 2020, she started resume writing and career coaching and has written over 1,000 resumes over the past several years. She now focuses on helping individuals embrace their misfit identity and land their dream job. Learn more at Steph’s website,

Listen live on YouTube or LinkedIn - Wednesday, April 10 at 12:00 noon MT.

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Create Your Best Chapter - with Karen Omand

Create Your Best Chapter - with Karen Omand

Listen to inspiring conversations that will help you create your best chapter after divorce or job loss.


Karen, a divorce coach, grief recovery expert, and author of The Divorce Workbook, a Thanatologist specializing in grief, has experienced a profound journey of loss. A child of divorce, she suffered the sudden death of both parents years ago and endured a nearly two-decade-long abusive marriage before divorcing. These transformative events left her grappling with diminished confidence and low self-esteem. Karen will share her story as well as insights about the grief that surrounds divorce, coping mechanisms, and how to rebuild self-esteem and confidence. Learn more at

Listen live on YouTube or LinkedIn - Thursday, April 4 at 12:00 noon MDT.

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Create Your Best Chapter - with Joanne See

Create Your Best Chapter - with Joanne See

Listen to inspiring conversations that will help you create your best chapter after divorce or job loss.


Joanne See is a banking and finance professional with a reputation for building and leading winning teams. She is a past client of mine - a wonderful addition to the Fall 2023 The Wisdom Collective cohort. We’ll be chatting about Joanne’s job loss journey, how she overcame this dark time in her life and the lessons she's learned.

Listen live on YouTube or LinkedIn - Friday, March 22 at 2:00 pm MDT.

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From job loss to confidence

From job loss to confidence

Move from job loss to confidence

If you've been laid off recently and are feeling full of doubt about your abilities, anxiety about what's next, or like a failure, then this FREE masterclass is for you.

A job loss is a real loss and can bring with it feelings of shame, unworthiness, anger, resentment, and self-doubt.

You are not defined by your job. Let's build up your confidence so that you can start the next chapter feeling confident and empowered.

In this masterclass, you'll learn how to:

  • Release negative emotions that are keeping you stuck

  • Reconnect with your intuition to move you forward

  • Start an easy weekly practice to rebuild confidence

Register for this free masterclass and start to reclaim your confidence.

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Create Your Best Chapter - with Melissa Lyall

Create Your Best Chapter - with Melissa Lyall

Listen to inspiring conversations that will help you create your best chapter after divorce or job loss.


Melissa Lyall is the Owner and Founder of Higher Talent Recruitment, a boutique recruitment agency that collaborates with purpose-driven organizations to find the right people to join teams. Melissa’s goal is to stand out with personality, energy, enthusiasm, and professionalism - with fun along the way. In our conversation, Melissa will share her insights about what makes candidates stand out, tips for a successful job search, and what inspired her to start her own business. Learn more at

Listen live on YouTube or LinkedIn - Wednesday, March 20 at 10:00am MST.

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Get Confident After Divorce

Get Confident After Divorce

Don't let divorce keep you stuck or feeling like a failure. In this FREE masterclass learn how to navigate divorce with confidence.

If your divorce has left you asking yourself "What did I do wrong?", then this masterclass is for you.

Going through a divorce can cause feelings of guilt, shame, unworthiness, anger, resentment, and failure.

But, you are not a failure! Your confidence has been lost and it's time to get it back.

In this FREE masterclass, you'll learn how to:

  • Release negative emotions that are keeping you stuck

  • Create a ritual to reconnect with your intuition

  • Reclaim your confidence with an easy weekly practice

Start to create confidence so that you can create the next chapter of your life feeling empowered.

Remember, you deserve a life you love!

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Create Your Best Chapter - with Lisa James

Create Your Best Chapter - with Lisa James

Listen to inspiring conversations that will help you create your best chapter after divorce or job loss.


Lisa James is a divorce coach who specializes in helping people navigate the complexities of a high-conflict divorce. She empowers her clients to reclaim control of their life during this challenging time, fostering resilience and promoting a healthier post-divorce future. In our conversation, Lisa will share her own divorce journey and how she now helps people avoid the mistakes she made. Learn more at

Listen live on YouTube or LinkedIn - Thursday, March 14 at 11:00am MST.

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From Panic to Power - IWD Event

From Panic to Power - IWD Event

From Panic to Power

Join us to:

  • Identify how panic is showing up in your workday (and when you want to be sleeping!)

  • Begin to uncover the root of the panic by decluttering your mental & emotional space

  • Discuss healthy & sustainable ways of switching from panic response to power-inducing habits and thoughts

Join me and Sally Loftis of Loftis Partners, a human resources consulting firm, for a one-hour virtual women’s event where we’ll share ways to move from panic to power.

So many women are feeling extreme amounts of anxiety, frustration, and exhaustion.

In this session, we will share why this is happening, ways to identify our panic moments, and simple steps to better well-being. 

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Create Your Best Chapter - with Deena Kordt

Create Your Best Chapter - with Deena Kordt

Listen to inspiring conversations that will help you create your best chapter after divorce or job loss.


Deena Kordt is an author, blogger, empowerment coach, and publisher of Divorce Magazine Canada. She is passionate about bringing people together to have open and supportive conversations about the challenges that divorce brings. In our conversation we’ll hear Deena’s divorce story and how her journey led her to find her passion, purpose, and mission-driven business.

Listen live on YouTube or LinkedIn - Wednesday, March 6 at 11:00am MST.

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Create Your Best Chapter - with Lyndsie Barrie

Create Your Best Chapter - with Lyndsie Barrie

Listen to inspiring conversations that will help you create your best chapter after divorce or job loss.


Lyndsie Barrie, Founder of YYCFempreneurs, is an author, marketing and business coach, and community builder. She is passionate about helping women entrepreneurs build and grow thriving businesses in a supportive and uplifting community. In our conversation we’ll hear Lyndsie’s job loss story and how her journey led her to find her passion and purpose.

Listen live on YouTube or LinkedIn - Wednesday, February 21 at 6:00pm MST.

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Create Your Best Chapter - with Noreen Music

Create Your Best Chapter - with Noreen Music

Listen to inspiring conversations that will help you create your best chapter after divorce or job loss.

Coming up….

Noreen Music, Productivity Mastery Coach and Owner of Organize My Space - helping you transform your spaces to give you the freedom and enjoyment you deserve. Noreen will share her story of job loss and how that led her to find her purpose and passion.

Listen live on YouTube or LinkedIn - Thursday, February 15 at 9:00am MST.

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Create Your Best Chapter - with Laura Tucker

Create Your Best Chapter - with Laura Tucker

Listen to inspiring conversations that will help you create your best chapter after divorce or job loss.

Coming up….

Laura Tucker, founder of Finding My Happy - a supportive community for women entrepreneurs. Get inspired by Laura’s story and how she found her happiness after divorce.

Listen live on YouTube or LinkedIn - Thursday, February 8 at 6pm MST.

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Overcome Overwhelm (in just 5 minutes per day)

Overcome Overwhelm (in just 5 minutes per day)

  • Turning Heads Hair Studio - 12 Royal Vista Way Northwest, Unit 2138 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

An in-person, interactive workshop to pause, take a breath, and learn how to stop the spin!

It's totally possible to reduce your overwhelm, feel more calm in your daily tasks, and create time for what's most important.
In just 5 minutes or less, per day.

In this workshop, you'll walk away with:

  • 3 quick and simple ways to reduce overwhelm in your life

  • Ideas for daily practices that you can start immediately

  • Connection with other amazing women

$20 (includes snacks, swag, and a $20 gift certificate to Turning Heads Hair Studio).
Space is limited so register today!

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3 Ways to Reclaim Your Confidence After Job Loss

3 Ways to Reclaim Your Confidence After Job Loss

If you've been laid off recently and are feeling full of doubt about your abilities, anxiety about what's next, or like a failure, then this masterclass is for you.

A job loss is a real loss and can bring with it feelings of shame, unworthiness, anger, resentment, and self-doubt.

You are not defined by your job. Let's build up your confidence so that you can start the next chapter feeling confident and empowered.

In this free online masterclass, you'll learn how to:

  • Release negative emotions that are keeping you stuck

  • Reconnect with your intuition to move you forward

  • Start an easy weekly practice to rebuild confidence

Register for this free masterclass and start to reclaim your confidence - click here!

Remember, you deserve a life you love. 💛

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3 Ways to Create Self Trust After Divorce

3 Ways to Create Self Trust After Divorce

If your divorce has left you asking yourself "What did I do wrong?", then this masterclass is for you.

Going through a divorce can cause feelings of guilt, shame, unworthiness, anger, resentment, and failure.

But, you are not a failure! Your self-trust has been lost and it's time to get it back.

In this free online masterclass, you'll learn how to:

  • Release negative emotions that are keeping you stuck

  • Create a self-compassion ritual to reconnect with your intuition

  • Reclaim your confidence with an easy weekly practice

Register for this free masterclass and start to create self-trust so that you can move forward with more calm and confidence - click here!

Remember, you deserve a life you love. 💛

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Step Into 2024 in Alignment

Step Into 2024 in Alignment

Say goodbye from a place of gratitude and acceptance, intentionally recognizing all that happened in 2023 and start the new year with renewed energy.

In this FREE online workshop you will have time to:

  • Acknowledge yourself for your accomplishments and successes

  • Let go of the things that didn't go so well

  • Remember what you're grateful for

  • Set intentions and goals for 2024 that are aligned with what's most important to you

  • Connect with others for support and inspiration

Sign up to receive the Zoom link:

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