Heal Your Heart to Shine
Rebuild self-trust and confidence after divorce or job loss
You’re invited on a heart-healing journey to:
Heal from hurt and rejection resulting from divorce, job loss, or other major life change.
Open up to self-kindness and self-compassion.
Create a deep knowledge of what is most important to you.
Learn to trust yourself again.
Develop confidence in your decisions regardless of all the noise around you.
Listen to your inner wisdom.
Create self-care practices that support your overall wellbeing.
Energize yourself to support those you love.
Be intentional and purposeful in your life.
Shine your light.
In this self-paced online course, you’ll heal your heart from hurt and rejection and begin to reconnect with your inner light.
Your ability to shine your light matters. Because that's how you make a positive impact in the world and live your purpose.
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*There is no obligation to register or pay by filling out the waitlist form.