The secret to that inner “glow”

In the past few months I’ve had a large number of people tell me that I’m “glowing”.

At first I thought that maybe I was overdoing it on the tallow balm. ☺️ Then I began to question it a bit more. What do they mean “I glow”? Half the time I felt like they weren’t talking about me since all I could see was bags under my eyes, blemishes, and the opposite of good hair (gah, we’re so hard on ourselves aren’t we??).

But seriously, after realizing that hearing this comment from multiple people couldn’t be a coincidence, I decided to receive the compliment and also dive deeper into what this glow was all about.

My conclusion? I’m where I’m meant to be in my life.

In spite of the stress of running a business, dealing with imposter syndrome, and anxiety about social media algorithms, I know 100% that I’m where I’m meant to be right now in my life. I have discovered my purpose. I am living in alignment with my values. I am helping people every single day. I’ve embraced my super powers. I’m giving myself permission to go after my goals and dreams. 

I want this for you too!!

There are two things that have been game changers for me in getting my “glow on”.

  1. I’ve doubled down on COMMUNITY. This past year I’ve been more intentional than ever about who I hang out with, who I allow into my personal space, who I share energy with, who I listen to, and who I work with. It’s wild how much the people in your life affect you and your success. My various community circles have believed in me when self-doubt was taking over, have exposed my blind spots to help me get more clarity, encouraged me to stay on track despite obstacles, and have encouraged me to be bolder and dream bigger.

  2. I’ve significantly upped my INVESTMENT in personal and professional development programs -  investment being time, energy, and money. This has pushed me waaaay outside my comfort zone… and up to a completely different level of commitment to myself, my work, my personal relationships, and my clients. What I know for sure is that when I invest in myself, even when it feels scary, I show up with a different, more purposeful energy, more dedication, greater consistency, and a deeper alignment to my purpose.

I want YOU to experience this glow too!

The more you glow, the brighter the ripple effect. The more you shine, the more positive impact you spread out into the world. 

Reflect on these questions as a starting point:

  • Where are you not investing in yourself that if you did, you know would help you move forward?

  • Are you surrounding yourself with the right community for you?

  • What small step can you take right now to start getting you closer to your goal?

  • Where in your life are you currently “in glow”? How can you increase your glow factor?


If you’re serious about making a real commitment to yourself and upleveling your life, then I’m thrilled to let you know about a transformative new mastermind experience for ambitious women who are ready to step into their power and create the life they’ve been dreaming of.

I've seen the magic that happens when women come together with purpose and intention and I can’t wait to create this magic with YOU.

Get all the details and decide to join this game-changing opportunity. Do something different in 2025 and watch yourself up-level and elevate your life. You’re worthy of this transformation!


How one divorced woman reset her life – and helps other women do the same


What are you being called to create in your life?