How to love Mondays

I used to dread Sunday evenings, because it meant that I had to get ready for my work week - and to face a job that completely sucked the soul out of me. Whenever someone asked me what I wanted in a job, all I could dream of was having something that made me feel purposeful. Or better yet, something that actually was my purpose.

One Sunday, when I was once again feeling that knot in the pit of my stomach, dreading yet another long and miserable week ahead, I knew I had to do something different. I needed to make a change. And not just the change of a new job (I was actively looking for a new job, but I knew that a change needed to happen now, otherwise my energy of dread and desperation was going to prevent me from finding anything remotely better).

I knew the change had to come from me making an intentional decision to show up differently.

I decided to commit to two actions every day: 1) learn something new every day, and 2) add value every day.

I wrote these two commitments on a sticky note and the next morning when I came into work, I slapped it on my computer monitor where I could easily see it. Then, every single morning, I recommitted to taking these actions. And at the end of the day, I mentally made a note of what I learned and how I had added value.

It wasn’t always monumental, but it was always something. Whether it was complimenting the barista at the coffee shop, volunteering to help a colleague with a project, donating money to a charity, or simply smiling at someone, I found a way to add value. And as I did, I started to realize how much value I was adding to the world every day by helping, contributing, or supporting others.

Learning something new every day became like a little game. It was fun to be able to ask questions, search something on the internet, or read an article about something I knew little about. The tediousness of the job lessened because my mind had something else to focus on.

Slowly, my days became a little less tedious and a little bit more satisfying, gratifying, and positive.

The cool thing is a few months after my decision to commit to these two actions, I had coffee with an old connection and she offered me a job at her organization. The Universe responds beautifully to us when we act beautifully in the world.

The Universe responds when we DECIDE to show up differently. When we become INTENTIONAL about shifting our mindset. When we CHOOSE how we respond to our circumstances, instead of simply reacting or giving in.

Where in your life are you feeling the Sunday scaries?
Where do you feel unhappy?
Where do you know you need to make a change?

My gentle nudge to you is to take one tiny action step towards making a change. Towards showing up differently. Towards doing something new. Towards creating a new chapter in your life.


Here’s an invitation to get you started.

Join my free workshop, “3 Ways to Kickstart Your Best Chapter”, coming up THIS FRIDAY, May 3rd at 12noon MT.

Make a decision to create your next – and best – chapter with intention.

In this workshop you will:

  • Learn how to release negative emotions that are holding you back

  • Get tools to boost your confidence

  • Create a personalized action plan

  • Connect with like-minded women


Remember, you deserve a live you love 💕


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